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About Porthos1973

  • Birthday 09/11/1973

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  • Battlefield 4 Player Name

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  1. I checked a few others that were displayed in the steam block and it isn't showing their info on the steam tab in their profile. https://aiwa.me/profile/451-mnewt91/?tab=node_steam_steamprofile https://aiwa.me/profile/450-lew-neatnodecom/?tab=node_steam_steamprofile
  2. Just wondering if you planned on doing anything for PUBG for IPB? If you aren't do you know if anyone is? Also here on your site when I go to my profile and go to the steam tab, it isn't pulling any of my steam info.
  3. Awesome. If you need testers let me know
  4. So is it still going to be all inclusive - BF4 and BF1?
  5. Over at battlefieldtracker.com they have an API that will pull info for BF1. I tried messing with it to do a server stat but beyound my knowledge. But figured you might be able to do something with it.
  6. If you need names to add to the testing, mine is Porthos1973.
  7. No appreciation needed. It is you that has mine and others appreciation. Wish more developers would work on thing that are game related to make IPB even better for clan hosting.
  8. Ok not sure what was going on but I did have games in last two weeks set but it wan't showing. Once I closed out it started working. But back to what I was asking, Is it possible that in the block, instead of last two weeks it only shows a game pic if the person is playing that game at that moment? Also if you need testers once you get closer on the bf integration, would be happy to help again.
  9. Are you using the 3.x or 4.x. Asking because yours looks different than the block on my site. http://atfgaming.com/ In the updates to come for the 4.x version would it be possible to have the block display icon for the game a person is playing at that time instead of just the green for online? Looking forward to the updated BF integration.
  10. Got it installed and it is working but in the forums it doesn't show online/offline status like it does here. Is that part of your work or is that Lavo's sign in through steam?(don't have ftp access so don't have that installed.
  11. In the 3.x version did you pull the info from BF4Stats using their API or directly from Battlelog?
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